1. Avatar overview and how to setup avatar

1. Avatar Overview

Student can use their stars gained from lessons, assignments, forums or other way, to purchase different styling.

Press "Avatar" from main page, there are different sex, skin color, hair style and clothing student can purchase.

2. Setup Avatar

1. Firstly, select your Sex (Boy or Girl)

2. Skin Color, then student can choose their skin color on their own preference.

3. Hair Style. Student can drag your ideal hair style from right hand side to your avatar's head. Demonstration of Boy & Girl as below, 


4. Then,choose clothes you want. Also drag your ideal clothing to your avatar's body.

Demonstration of Boy as below,Demonstration of Girl as below,

When you finish above, system will ask for number of stars your need, press "Buy" button. Demonstration as below,

If student do not have enough stars, please gain from lessons, assignments forums or other method.

Next Topic:Appearance of Avatar in RainbowOne