5. Question (multiple choice question, long question, fill-in-the-blank question, seven kinds of drag-and-drop question, selective question, connection question, sentence reconstruction, answer prompt)
Set Up of Components in Question :
- Select the object of the question category.
- Click “Edit Title” on the top of the screen to start editing. During this time, you will not be able to edit other objects on the page.
- Different components have different set up methods. A tool prompt will be shown on the top, and the properties of an individual object in the question components will be provided in the right property bar. For example, when selecting multiple-choice questions, you can add or subtract the number of answers after entering the edit mode and independently changing the text of each answer.
- Click “Finish” on the top to return.
1. Multiple Choice Question
You can set the text, font, text color, and other basic settings for multiple choice questions.
- Direction: The method of arranging the answers can be “horizontal” or “vertical.”
- Pitch: The distance between the answers.
- Random answers: When opened, the order of answers viewed by each student is different.
- Multiple choices: There is more than one correct answer.
2. Long Question
You can set the text, font, text color, and other basic settings for long questions.
- Display the bottom line: Show a line in the answer position to facilitate reading.
- Input method: If “Typing” is selected, a default input method of the device will appear for the students to provide their answer. When “Handwriting” is selected, students can provide their answer using RainbowOne’s Chinese handwriting method. RainbowOne will record the fonts and handwriting strokes of each word written by the students. Upon receiving a student’s answers, the teacher can see the handwriting order whenever each word is clicked.
- Question title: Set numbers for the questions
- Answer size: Set the size of the answer text.
3. Fill-in-the-blank Question
You can set the text, font, text color, pitch, and other basic settings for fill-in-the-blank questions.
Set some texts for filling out: First enter the text of the whole question with the answer (if any), select the text of the answer, then open “Set As Fill-in-the-blank” in the right property bar, at which point the text will turn red, but will appear as a blank space when the students see it. The input method for fill-in-the-blank questions can be set as “Typing” or “Handwriting.” For details, please refer to how to input long questions.
4. Drag-and-drop Question (one-to-one, reuse, designated grouping, interchangeable grouping, sequence, many-to-many)
RainbowOne offers six drag-and-drop questions suitable for use in different types of questions. The questions have two elements: “drag object” and “placement area.”
- Drag object: An object that the students can move.
- Placement area: The place where the object is placed.
Properties of drag-and-drop questions :
- Unified placement area: After opening this setting, when you resize one of the placement areas, the remaining sites will be adjusted accordingly.
- Placement area background: You can decide whether the placement area needs to be displayed with a background. If you choose to open, you can set the background border’s thickness, color, and type, as well as the background color of the placement area.
Set up the drag-and-drop answers:
- When selecting a drag-and-drop object, click “Edit Question” on the top, and drag the dot on the drag-and-drop object to the drop area you want to connect. The system will generate a connection line and a dot with the same color in the drop area, indicating that the drag-and-drop object has been linked with the placement area. When the student places the drag-and-drop object in the correct placement area, the object will be considered correct.
- Please note that each drag-and-drop method has different connection methods due to different functions. Please read the section on the “Differences between Drag-and-drop Questions.”
Expand or reduce the drag-and-drop object and placement area :
- After clicking “Edit Question,” two buttons, namely “+ Drag-and-Drop Object” and “+ Placement Area” will appear on the top.
- To remove the drag objects or placement area, please select them and click on the trash bin located at the far right of the toolbar.
- Click “Edit Question,” then select the item to drag. The “Edit Item” will appear on the top again. Click it to re-enter another layer and start to edit this drag object. You can add text, artwork, or photo in it. You can also add one or more components, but you cannot add other components other than these three.
- Once completed, you can click “Back” to continue editing other drag objects, or click “Finish” to leave the editing drag-and-drop components section.
Differences and settings of various drag-and-drop questions :
- One-to-one: One object can only correspond to one placement area.
Answer link: Drag the round dot on the drag-and-drop object to the placement area. Only one drag object can be placed in one placement area. - Reuse: The same object can be reused and placed in different areas. For example, if a Chinese punctuation mark is used, the same “comma” can be used in more than one question. The comma object is thus considered “reused.”
Answer link: Drag the round dot on the drag-and-drop object to the placement area. A drag object can be linked to more than one placement area, and the dot on the drag-and-drop object can show the color of the dot in different placement areas - Designated grouping: This is mainly used questions that require categorization by placing a number of objects in the same area (many-to-one). For example, if the question requires categorizing animals and plants, the drag objects are a variety of animals and plants, while the two placement areas would be for animals and plants, respectively.
Answer link: Drag the round dot on the drag-and-drop object to the placement area. One placement area can be used to link more than one drag object. Use the same color to indicate that the drag-and-drop object and the placement area belong to the same group of objects - Interchangeable grouping: The purpose is similar to designated grouping, but the placement area is exchangeable. For example, you are provided with two placement areas, but it does not matter which area the animal is placed in as long as the student places the plants and animals separately.
Answer link: When dragging the round dot on the drag-and-drop to another drag-and-drop object, the drag-and-drop objects will be connected, and the dots will change into the same color, indicating that the objects are in the same group. If the drag-and-drop object and the placement area have no connection, then it indicates that the placement area is interchangeable. - Sequence: This is suitable for use in questions that require categorization, but a sequential aspect is added. Each placement area will be subdivided into sub-areas, each with a sequential number, so the objects have to be placed in order before the system can determine their correctness. Placement areas are interchangeable. For example, if you would like to put the questions of cookie making and cake making together and there are three steps each in making cookies and cake, then the students need to place the cookie making steps in one of the placement areas in order and place the cake making steps in another placement area in order.
Answer link: When dragging the round dots on the drag-and-drop objects in sequence to another drag-and-drop object, the drag-and-drop objects will be connected and the dots will change into the same color, indicating that the objects belong to the same group. The round dots above the objects will generate numbers, indicating the order of placement. If the drag-and-drop object and the placement area have no connection, then it indicates that the placement area is interchangeable. - Many-to-many: Each drag-and-drop object can be placed in any or multiple placement areas
Answer link: When dragging the round dot on a drag-and-drop object to one or multiple placement areas, it can establish a many-to-many link. - Count: The same basic functionality as other drag-and-drop components, but you can set the value of each drag object and the number of answers for each drop area. A subject that is applicable to currency or weight calculation. You need to enter content for each drag object, which can be a picture or text.
- The drag-and-drop object and placement area can be added in the form of being “copied” and “pasted.”
- After entering the first layer but before editing the drag-and-drop object, you can directly add text, artwork, or photos, and the system will automatically change it as a drag-and-drop object.
5. Selective Question
You can set the symbol, blank size, blank distance, etc. on selective questions. Click “Edit Question” on the top of the screen and then click “+ Space” or “- Space” to adjust the number of empty blanks. You can also click on each blank to set whether or not to select.
6. Connection Question
The components of connection questions are composed of “connected objects.” You can set whether or not to conceal the object and leave only the connection point. You can also set the size of the connection point.
Add and remove connected objects:
- After clicking “Edit Question,” two buttons, namely “+ Connected Item” and “Auto Ranking,” will appear at the top.
- To delete the connected objects, please select them and click on the trash bin located at the far right of the toolbar.
- If the distance of each connection is close enough, “Auto Ranking” will help you to align the points of the connected objects.
Add text, artwork, or photos to the connected objects:
- Once finished, you can click “Back” to continue editing other drag-and-drop objects, or click “Finish” to leave the editing drag-and-drop components section.
Auto ranking:
- After clicking “Edit Question,” two buttons, namely “+ Connected Item” and “+ Auto Ranking,” will appear at the top.
- To delete the connected objects, select them and click on the trash bin located at the far right of the toolbar.
7. Sentence Reconstruction
You can restructure the font and text size of a sentence.
Question correction:
- After clicking “Edit Question,” a dialog box will appear on the screen. Input the words of the sentence in a normal order in the dialog box and click “Add Delimiter” at the parts you want to separate.
Random order:
- After clicking “Random Order,” the system will randomly arrange the order of the words. Please note that the viewing order by each student will be the same. The randomly placed positions are shown on the page, and the randomizing action will not affect the correct answers.
8. Answer prompt
An answer prompt is applicable for controlling the text answer prompt. When devices are connected, if the teacher clicks on the “Answer” button of his/her device, the answer will be automatically displayed on the students’ devices.
Question correction:
- After clicking “Edit Question,” select the text and then click “Edit text” above in order to correct the text in the answer.