3. How to Update the Year
We have to create a new school year before the new school year begin as new student appears as well as some of the existing students quits every single year. There are several task we need to do, to update information of students and class/group. Such as,
- Establish new school year建立新年度
- Update user information and class ("Tag" in system)
- Create new lesson for new year.
1. About School Year
- School year is essential as both teachers and students will have different groups in different years. The RainbowOne system will label them to represent these groups. Every year, each user will receive a different label.
- The school needs to set the school year for each student.
- Click “Create New School Year,” and enter the name and time of the year.
2. How to Create a New School Year
- When the Open Knowledge Association opens a school account, the system will automatically set the school year according to the current date. The scheduled school opening date is September 1, and the end date is August 31.
- At the top of the screen, click “Display School Year” and then click “Manage School Year”
- Click “Create New School Year” and enter the name and time of the year.
- The period of each year cannot be overlapped.
3. Current Year
- RainbowOne will automatically select the current year based on the server’s time.
- For other links that need to use the label, the system will display the selected year. For example, when sharing an e-book, the label of the current school year can be selected for sharing.
4. Current Users and Archived Users
- Archived users will not be able to login to RainbowOne.
- Current users can access all RainbowOne functions and features. For example, the teacher user can access the school’s Workplace, and the students can access the school-assigned e-books.
- The number of current users available to each school is determined by the school subscribed plan.
- Archived users are mainly students who have graduated or left the school or resigned teachers.
- Archived users will not be counted in the current number of users and thus will not affect the maximum number of accounts quota
- Teachers can still view the information and records of archived users as their data will not be deleted.
5. School Year and Label
- The labels for each school year are separated. For example, class 1A in 2018/19 and class 1A in 2017/18 are different labels
- The school needs to create the labels for each school year as required in that particular year
6. How to upgrade users or change user information through the system interface
Example 1: Change class 1A in the 2017-18 school year directly into class 2A in the 2018-19 school year
- Establish the 2018-19 school year.
- Return to the 2017-18 school year shown on the top of the screen.
- When selecting “1A” in the tab bar, all students in group 1A of the 2017-18 school year will be displayed on the right
- lick on the rightmost 3-dot button, then click "Select" to select students who need to do the promotion, or "Select All" to select all students in this group to do the promotion
- Click “Add tag” on the top of the pop-up bar at the bottom of the screen.
Select “2018-19 School Year” (New Year) shown on the top of the pop-up window, then select “2A” and click OK (please ensure that you have already established the “2A” label).
Example 2: For the 2017-18 school year, add the 2A label for individual users in the 2018-19 school year
- Establish the 2018-19 school year
- Return to the 2017-18 school year shown on the top of the screen.
- Select a label in the tab bar or search for a specific user.
- Click on the rightmost 3-dot button for the user you want to work with, and then click “Add Label.”
Select “2018-19 School Year” (New Year) on the top of the pop-up window, then select “2A” and click OK (please ensure that you have already established the “2A” label).
- Note: As an upgraded class needs to be switched between different years, it is not possible to drag the label directly to the user.
7. How to Promote a User or Change User Information via Excel
If you want to handle accounts in batches in Excel, export the datasheet of the current school year and make changes in Excel before importing it to the new school year. Please note that data updated through Excel cannot be restored
- Click “Display School Year” on the top of the screen, then click “Manage School Year.”
- On the right-hand side of the current year, click “Export” and save the Excel datasheet.
- Edit and save the data in Excel.
- Click “Import” on the right-hand side of a new school year.
- If the information in Excel has any errors, the system will indicate the problem.
- If the information is correct, the system will automatically update the user information. The time required for the process will depend on the number of users.
- Please pay attention to the next section “About Excel Processing.”
8. About Excel Processing
Data and formatting must be correctly handled in Excel before the system can correctly import data. The field descriptions in Excel are listed below.
- userID: The user identification number in the system. Please do not make any changes to this field.
- status (mandatory) (new/update/archive/delete): An update method, new refers to a new user, update refers to an update to an existing user, archive refers to a sealed user, delete refers to a deleted user.
- surname(chi): Chinese surname
- firstname(chi): Chinese name
- surname(en): English surname
- firstname(en): English name
- displayname: The short name of the student. It will be displayed in the seat table in the class mode.
- gender: Gender; can only be M or F.
- type: Identity; can only be S (student) or T (teacher).
- username: The user name. Please note that the system will automatically add the short name of the school at the end. There is no need to enter it.
- email: E-mail address; must be unique and cannot coincide with any other users.
- change password: If you want to change the user password, please fill in a new password. If not, just leave it blank.
- new tag: The user label for the new year. If there is more than one label, please use a comma (,) to separate.
- old tag: The label owned by the exported user of the year. It is for reference only and will not be re-imported.
- qrcode: User login RainbowOne QR code text, it is for reference only and will not be re-imported.
Please note that a different update status will have to be filled out with different information. Please refer to the table below. Those fields marked with a “Y” must be filled out.
- new: Do not fill in UserID; you must have the name and other information, such as gender, identity (type), user name/e-mail, password, and new label. If a label did not exist in the past, the system will automatically add one. Add a new line in Excel to enter new user information.
- update: Must have UserID, must have name and other information, such as gender, identity (type), user name/e-mail, and password. The fields that contain no information will be deleted.
- archive: Must have UserID; all of the remaining information system will be skipped and will not be updated even if information is provided in other fields. Set students who have graduated or teachers who have left the school as archive.
- delete: Must have UserID; all of the remaining data system will be skipped and will not be updated even if information is provided in other fields.
- Do not add, delete, or make any changes to the Excel fields.
- Please do not change the first line of text
When the system has completed handling the Excel information, if the information is wrong, the system will prompt where the mistakes are in Excel. If the data format is correct, data statistics will appear. Click OK to begin the official import and “Cancel Import” when necessary.
After importing is completed, switch to the current year to ensure that the information is correct.