1. Overview

What is Course?

"Course" is differ from books, teacher are able to teach students depends on teaching process, as a form of consolidate various books. It also allow students to self-learn various topic by their understanding level. Simply to say, "Course" is a useful tool through a collection of books and different learning modes to become a complete course, it assist teachers to teach and let students' learning more systematically from the past.

中文: 「課程」有別於以往單一書本,老師在課程內能夠將不同的書本集合起來,按老師教學進度進行循序漸進式的教學,亦可讓學生自行透過對不同課題的掌握程度進度自學。簡單而言,「課程」是有用的工具,透過一系列的書本以及不同的學習模式,成為一套完整的課程,協助老師教學同時讓學生更有系統地學習。

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